
If it seems like its been a while since I’ve posted anything, it has been! I have been a busy lady! About a month ago I found three puppies that were living in the garage next to my office. They were street puppies, but very cute and good looking dogs. I had been feeding them for a while, but then one puppy got hit by a car and really injured it’s leg. I called the vet to come take a look at the leg and vaccinate them so they would have a chance at adoption. Because the puppy was so young , the doctor suggested that I keep the dog and give it calcium treatments twice a day. Then he also suggested that I not seperate the dogs or put them back on the street after they were vaccinated. I had a short moment of panic, I can’t take care of three puppies! My landlord d said that I could foster one, but not three! But one look at those adorable faces, and I was suckered in. I ended up taking all three puppies home and fostering them until they found new forever homes. This was the beginning of a very difficult past two weeks! Introducing Madalyn, Lucy, and Hunter!! Otherwise known as the luckiest puppies in all of Bangladesh!Maddie


As it turns out, having three puppies in an apartment that aren’t house trained or able to walk on a leash are a lot of work! I had to get up every day at 6AM to let them outside, and then they would want to play! Clearly they did not catch on that I am not a morning person! God bless my maid Minu, she made the entire process much easier! They were fun to have around, but since I travel so much for my job, I wasn’t able to keep them. I am happy to report though, that as of today, they have all been adopted! They were great dogs,and wonderful to have around for the short time. I learned my lesson though, little puppies are a lot of work! Next time I need a little bit older dog, and only one at a time! Street dogs do make great pets though, they are very loyal and extremely appreciative. Now I”m back to normal life, and a quiet, empty apartment.





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