Dhaka Friends!

This past weekend I had my second visitor who stayed with me in Dhaka! An “old” friend that used to live in Dhaka, and moved in February came back to visit. She has been working in Nepal for a few months, and decided that she couldn’t stay away from this paradise…. or not. When people ask why she would want to come back and visit, to us here in Dhaka, it’s pretty obvious, the people!

I haven’t had a chance to write about my friends and the expat community in Bangladesh, but it is surprisingly pretty big. Since (almost) all of the expats live in the diplomatic zone which is approximately 2 square miles you tend to run into each other… a lot. Due to the lack of restaurants and recreational activities, almost all of the socializing takes place in the seven expat clubs in the diplomatic area. So, yes, we are a pretty tight knit community. Since moving here I’ve been extremely lucky meeting people, and now have a great group of girlfriends. There are about 14 of us, all similar age range, from various places around the world. We like to think of ourselves as a mini version of the UN! There are ladies from: Bangladesh, England, Spain, Poland, Brazil, Holland, Germany, Russia, India, and the US. All of the ladies either work in the ready made garments industry or in foreign aid. The highlight of my week is our weekly Tuesday night ladies dinners. We take turns hosting or heading out to a club to catch up. It’s great to have such a great group of friends to lean on.  I compare the scene here a bit like being at summer camp or living on a college campus. Small area that everyone runs around in, lots of preplanned activities during the week. I’m so thankful for all my friends here, they have really made the experience here so much better! And let’s face it, you know I’m too social of a person to not have a friends!

Below are pictures of ladies night in Dhaka, my house guest… and My Di with my maid Minu! She recommended my maid Minu to me when she moved out of Dhaka… The USAID NGO ladies.. and Dhaka girls night… and a recent bachlorette party at the Spa for our German Friend Anna (before she fell in the sewer, poor girl)

Thanks for visiting My Di!!! Anyone else who wants to swing by is more than welcome 🙂

Tuesday Night Ladies Dinner!

Tuesday Night Ladies Dinner!




Ladies Dinner at the German Club!

Ladies Dinner at the German Club!



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