Filed under Dhaka

Partners Street Kids Shelter Fundraiser Update

Partners Street Kids Shelter Fundraiser Update

A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who donated to my event for the Dhaka Partners Street Kids Shelter! With your help we raised over $1600 USD and my landlord promised a new washing machine for the shelter! Success!! I am amazed by all my wonderful friends and family who gave so generously. It is really … Continue reading

Dhaka Friends!

Dhaka Friends!

This past weekend I had my second visitor who stayed with me in Dhaka! An “old” friend that used to live in Dhaka, and moved in February came back to visit. She has been working in Nepal for a few months, and decided that she couldn’t stay away from this paradise…. or not. When people … Continue reading

Dhaka Happenings

I know that it’s been a while since I’ve posted, but there hasn’t been anything especially news worthy happening in the Desh recently. The most exciting thing for me is that I am currently counting down the days until my R&R and around the world trip (9 days!). I’m a little shesh with the desh … Continue reading


If it seems like its been a while since I’ve posted anything, it has been! I have been a busy lady! About a month ago I found three puppies that were living in the garage next to my office. They were street puppies, but very cute and good looking dogs. I had been feeding them … Continue reading

New Apartment and My First Guest in Dhaka!

Last weekend I finally moved into my new apartment. I am so happy for the entire ordeal to finally be over since the process of finding an apartment felt like it went on forever. My new apartment is much nicer than my former mini Saudi Arabian palace, with much more light, which makes me very … Continue reading

Baby, it’s cold outside!

Little known fact about Bangladesh, it can get really cold here!! Who knew?!?!!? Apparently not me, because I didn’t bring anything warm here to prepare. The past week and a half there has been a bad cold spell across the Bangla region, causing temperatures to plummet to the lowest point in 50+ years. In Dhaka … Continue reading

Islampur Fabric Market

Islampur Fabric Market

So it finally happened.. I saw my first snake on the streets of Dhaka. Last weekend on the way to the Islampur Fabric Market, I saw a woman walking down the street with one in her hands. After some screaming and panicking on my part, my friend and I finally got away from the snake … Continue reading

Old Dhaka

This weekend my coworker and I took a tour of Old Dhaka, which is the original fort from the 1600’s when traders were traveling on the silk and spice road. The area now is an extremely crowded with streets and streets of small factories, plastic processing plants, and other raw good processing facilities. The conditions … Continue reading

Election Eve

It’s Monday night here in Dhaka, which means it’s Election Eve! This is the first election that I’ve sat out since I started working in politics in 2003. At first I was relieved that I wasn’t involved in the rat race, but I always loved GOTV weekend. Watching all the campaign activities on CNN has … Continue reading

Cow Market!

Today my coworker invited me to go with his family to the cow market to pick out their cow for Eid. It was very interesting, there were THOUSANDS of cows! Seriously blocks and blocks of nothing but cows! And this was one of only the 20+ cow markets in the city. The cows will start … Continue reading